SuperOffice Free Gamification
Picture of Pointagram TEam

Pointagram TEam

We are happy to announce that SuperOffice CRM Online users can now gamify their SuperOffice account with a plug and play integration. Gamification made easy.

Gamification for SuperOffice

Woop Woop! Did we say that there is a free gamification account available at Pointagram? Oh yes, get started for free! Fetch, users, sales, and follow-ups and get points for every interaction. Start competitions or challenges for players individually or as a team and let them earn trophies or badge for bragging rights!

Other neat feature to look at:

Another great reason to connect:
Our customer experiences an increase the SuperOffice CRM adoption and keeps users motivated to register more into your CRM.

[su_button url="http://www.pointagram.com/superoffice-gamification" target="blank" style="flat" background="#1ab364" size="6" icon="icon: hand-o-right" text_shadow="0px 0px 0px #000000"]How to set up SuperOffice integration, click here![/su_button]

Another great reason to connect:
Our customer experiences an increase the SuperOffice CRM adoption and keeps users motivated to register more into your CRM.

Are you ready? Of course, you are!

Get your free gamification account today!

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