Limge GO Gamification
Picture of Pointagram TEam

Pointagram TEam

Boost your sales: Who’s this month’s fastest flyer, who is this month’s fastest driver! Run an individual or team-based competition. Tap into players goal-oriented mindset and fuel them with competitive spirit! “I want that trophy!” Woof!

The Pointagram and Lime Go integration is 100% plug and play. You will be up and running in minutes. Gamification made easy.

Added features to your Lime Go solution:

Another great reason to connect:

Our customers experience an increase CRM adoption and keeps users motivated to register more into your CRM.

Are you ready? Of course, you are!

[su_button url="http://www.pointagram.com/lime-go-gamification" style="flat" background="#1ab364" size="6" icon="icon: hand-o-right" text_shadow="0px 0px 0px #000000"]Click here to learn more about the integration![/su_button]

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