Let your players challenge each other and battle it out one on one. Keep score on won battles! Show of results on a big screen TV. This is a great opportunity to let your players engage on a more personal level. Get the adrenaline going, let the battle begin!
Feature unlocks:
– Players can challenge other players to battle
– Two themes to select from
– Challenge on the highest score or first to target
A new score series will be added to keep track of results, it’s called Battle Results.
As a bonus:
– You can set up most won battles as badge or competition! To trigger to players to battle even more!
Enable Battles
Battle settings are found under settings menu. The gear wheel Icon on the left navigation panel.
Battles settings enable admins to:
- Enable or disable the Battles for the organization
- Set how many active battles a player can have at the same time
- Set max battle time duration
- Set a deadline for a challenged opponent to respond to a challenge before it automatically turns to declined.