
GetAccept – Gamified

GetAccept Gamification Pointagram

GetAccept users, increase signed deals by boosting team motivation and engagement. Pointagram makes gamification available for GetAccept!

Customize Themes – Added features

Customize themes

Since the start we have always wanted to give the creative minds more control over our themes. This is our second step towards our vision. One of many to come.

New feature: Competition Logic

Logic gamification

Pointagram Competition Logic is an addition to how competition points are calculated. Sum of Points, Count of Points and Max Points. Also, we have added the factor the multiplier! Try our new logic today and get creative!

Event: Celebrate Achievements on a TV-Cast

Event TV Cast gamified

What’s your anthem? Pointagram wants you to celebrate big scores together! A players favorite song is played, whether it’s some habibi music or some Bollywood top hits either way here at Pointagram Johnny always plays Rocky’s favorite song, “The eye of the tiger”.